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Senior Center Board Minutes 02/26/2018
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

February 26, 2018

PRESENT:  Sue Campbell,  Jeri Baker, Gary Weed,  Kathy Lockwood, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Dot McAndrew, Doris Hungerford, Ann Griffith, Doris Johnson,  Johnny Cody, Joni Bonvicin

ABSENT:  Diana Seckla, Don Abraham

CALL TO ORDER:  Jeri Baker at 1:00

GUESTS:  Ruth Young

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   A motion to accept January, 2017 minutes was called for by Doris Johnson and Gary Weed seconded.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Doris Hungerford - Treasurer’s Report December 15, 2017 - February 9, 2018 was submitted.


        Director’s Notes:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould  - 1435 visits to the center last month were recorded.  Over the last six (6) months the center has received over 10,000 visits.

        Building Use:  Gary Weed - The fire extinguishers are in good condition.  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - The big room is being painted and should be completed by next Thursday.  The floors are scheduled to be waxed with a less slippery surface.

        Special Events:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould:  Stephanie played music clips by several of the bands for July Concerts.  Scheduled:  July 5, Airborne Band; July 12, Duo Devilles (9 member band); July 19, The Cartells; July 26, The Army Pop Band (approximately 40 members).  Stephanie and Jeri Baker will be reaching out to previous and new prospective co-sponsors for the Concerts.

        Policy:  Jeri Baker - Read the proposed changes to Policies & Procedures which board members had reviewed at home.  The motion to adopt as corrected was initiated by Doris Johnson and seconded by Sue Campbell.  Unanimous approval.


        Correction to the ByLaws Revision:  Jeri Baker - A motion to accept the Lymes’ Senior Center Constitution & ByLaws as corrected was put forth by Johnny Cody and seconded by Kathy Lockwood.  Unanimous approval.  

        Memorial Bricks:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - Family member (s) of former Senior Center members may purchase a brick to be engraved in their honor.  Stephanie suggested that former members who have contributed to the Center may have a memorial brick engraved at no charge in honor of their Tribute to the Center.  A motion was put forth for board members to compile a list for the next meeting.  Unanimous approval.
Sue Campbell mentioned that the dedication of the Memorial still needs to be addressed.
A date of May 23rd was suggested.

        Other Old Business:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - The Future of the Center -  Phil, town facilities manager,  suggested the screened, roofed porch be converted to four season use to increase space of the fitness area.  He estimated the cost to be approximately $15,000.


        Report of meeting with Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center:  Jeri Baker -
The Friends can give money for programs , but not for capital expenditures.  The Friends would like to kick of their fundraising campaign in April promoting the new “55 +” membership.  

        Pledge of Allegiance:  Jeri Baker - Johnny Cody brought it to Jeri’s attention that public meetings should begin with the pledge of allegiance.  After a brief explanation, allowing members who need to sit to do so, the meeting began with the Pledge.  Subsequent board meetings, where there is a flag present in the room, will as well.  

        Volunteer Luncheon:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould -  The Volunteer Luncheon will be held Tuesday, April 17th at 1:00.  Sue Campbell put forth a motion and Gary Weed seconded to approve Stephanie’s request for $800 expenditure for the luncheon (approx. $10.00 per person).  Stephanie requested the board to select a Volunteer of the Year to be honored at the luncheon.  Barbara Blackwell was selected and unanimously approved.

        Assistant to the Treasurer:  Jeri Baker - Don Abraham has volunteered.

        Community Connection Meetings:  Kathy Lockwood - Stephanie would appreciate volunteers to step in for her, either in office or at the quarterly meetings when she cannot be in attendance.

Other New Business:  
Memorial Service:  Scheduled for May 23rd.  
        Drapes:  Johnny Cody motioned to not put the drapes back up, Kathy Lockwood seconded.  

PUBLIC COMMENT:   Ruth  Young - Thanked everyone and expressed her appreciation to the board for the new Policies & Procedures.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 2:30.  Doris Johnson moved to adjourn.  Gary Weed seconded.  

NEXT MEETING:  March 19, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Emery
Recording Secretary